Monday, July 23, 2012


Today I woke up super early....oh wait, I just don't sleep at all. I GOT up super wary and showered and did my makeup flawlessly and straightened my hair with great care. I wore my new clothes!!!! Then I organized all my stuff. Did laundry. Packed a diaper bag. That kinda thing. Then we had French toast for breakfast. Ohhhh yummers.

Then we went to Jordan and mandees ward. Sacrament was interesting. Linc wasn't super stoked about life. After sacrament they both slept for Sunday school. Then I went to RS alone cause Mandee was with sawyer. Luckily try introduce me and said, "this girl is handling 4 month old twins on her own, so if needed, give her a hand." I didn't ask them to say that but was grateful. A lady in front of me immediately turned around and asked for Lexi. :-):-) the rest of the meeting was peachy.

We talked about the parable were te people work all day for a penny an others worked only an hour for a penny and how that fits Ito our lives. It was a good lesson. I really enjoyed it. Those sisters were super sweet.

Then we went out to the farm and I read twilight while babies slept. Then everyone and their dog came over for dinner. Holy crawdad. These people sure can throw a party...and every day. Sunday unlike thanksgiving. Every freaking week. It's ridiculous. Ridiculously amazing. Then we cleaned up and hung out for a bit

Then Lexi, bless her soul ha her first terrible twos fit. She screamed like crazy. So we went back to the school house and she fell asleep on the way. I got mostly ready to go and Jordan and I played cards and ate icecream. :-)

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