Monday, July 23, 2012


Friday Was awesome. Jordan had the day off. So in the morning he did stuff at the school house where they live. Mandee and I went out to the farm in the morning. Shannon and I went to the magrath pool to swim laps. That was great and embarrassing. I am not so good at that anymore....:-( I couldn't do butterfly without swallowing stupi water. Boo.

The day was kinda cloudy and lame which sucks because we were totally planning to go to the lake. When ingot home from swimming the sun came out for like 5 minutes so we decided, QUICK!!!!!!, let's go. We were out on the lake for the 2-3 good hours. It was so great. Don't tell my dad, but I totally got burned. It was such a lame day I didn't think about needing sunscreen but I still got burned. I tried to knee board but wasn't as successful as I would like to have been. I kiiiiiiiinda got up a million times. Meaning I got my knees on the board and went for a while but my knees never got all the way on the board. O well. I think it's cause I list a lot of strength while I was pregnant.

After the boating trip we went home and had yummy dinner. Jordan made potatoes and ham and cheese.

Now comes my favorite part. :-) an amazing storm came...I'm talking clouds that had to be Gods finest work, colors he barely invented, lighting everywhere, thunder rolling deep and loud...wind, was incredible. The kinda storm my mom would have died for. so what did we do!? Jordan and I took a blanket out on the lawn and watched the heebiejeebies outta that storm. Soooo good. :-)

Then we came in and had our nightly icecream while playing a card game we invented. It's a pretty bomb game. come play with me sometime.

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