Wednesday, July 18, 2012


UGGGG this is the most stupid thing ever.  i hate blogging.  i'm only doing it for mandee's sake.  i had a whole three paragraphs done about glacier and they are now GONE.  blah! i'm not retyping it.  just know that we went to glacier and had a freaking blast.

After glacier we went to the cabin. That night we had smokies for dinner. THey were pretty delish!!!!! And fattening. Apparently one Smoky has like 20 grams of fat. Iiiiicky. But soooo gooooood. We also had smores. Oh s'mores. They are my favorite. Especially how they are done in Canada. Jordan makes a hole in the middle of the mallow them puts a caramilk in the middle. Good yummy chocolate mixed with yummy Carmel. Ohhhhhh then he takes the mix and roasts he whole thing. Then between the yummy grams. Canada does grams right too. They come smite size. None of this breaking the gram cracker crap. It's ready to go. we stayed up let talking and enjoying the fire and each others company.

Then we all went to bed. The next morning we all decided to go to glacier national park. We saw this awwwwwesome whitewater rapid. Sooooo cool. Pretty sure you'd die if you went down that one though. I got some pictures of some of us there. I like poopy in some pics though.

Then as we were driving we saw a moose!!!! A big old bull. I tried to get a picture but I only saw it for a few seconds. But all the stupid people were out of their cars. Mandee informed me that they were idiotic. Apparently moose are super dangerous.

We saw some beautiful sights. We took some awesome hikes. We just barely missed bears mating. :-( ironically that was at the "bear hump" hike...haha.

We had sandwiches for lunch.

Then we went back to the cabin. We were planning to shoot and ride horses but just as we got the horses saddled it down poured. I've hardly ever seen it rain like that. It was ridiculous!!!! So the saddles got soaked and we didn't get to ride. Instead we went inside and sang while Jordan played guitar. We had Steak for dinner. Jordan can cook a meeeeean steak. I've never tasted any steak I like better than ones he has made. He has some serious skill. That night we all talked again and enjoyed being together, while missing spencer.

In the morning Jordan rigged up a redneck shower and bath. They hada huuuuuge barrel that they put over the fire with creek water in it. Then they syphoned the water into a huge tub. They used the same hot water to fill these solar bag showers which Jordan then hung up a tree. He surrounded it with a tarp and put a sled on the ground under it so you weren't standing in dirt. It was pretty clever. Then we all got ready for church and headed out.

WAIT!!!!!!! Breakfast was really good Sunday. We had breakfast hash. Smokies, potatoes, peppers, eggs, onions.... All mixed together on tortillas. Man. They live the good life.

Ok. Now we went to church. My babies were fussy, sawyer got sick. Good times eh? So we went back to the cabin and cleaned everything up and packed up then we left. When we got home we played games until we took Sayers temperature. 102!!!!!!!crazy kid. But we miscalculated at first since Canadians use Celsius not Fahrenheit. We thought it was 103.5. Ahhhhh. So scary. So we sponge bathed him and gave him a cold bottle and Tylenol and a blessing. By 1 am his fever had broken. Scaaaary. During all this we had tried to put my twins down but they decided they didn't want to miss the party. They stayed up forever and every time they would fall asleep when we would set them down they would wake up again. They were up most of the night. CraZy kids.

So this morning Jon and melli and mom and dad showered and packed up. They left around 11. Jordan went to work before they left so he said his goodbyes last night.

Mandee made bread this morning. Ahhhhhhhhh amazing. She is an angel with the baking. my babies both were asleep around 1130 so I finished up dishes and took a nap. I ended up sleeping with them from 1130-230. Wow. We were all pretty exhausted. While we ere asleep Mandee and sawyer went out to the farm, which is her parents house. They got back shortly after I woke up.

Mandee is taking sawyer to the doctor now. And I remembered that I have all the twilight books on my iPad!!!! Score!!!! So I'm going to read them while I'm here in the spare time and on the trim on the way back. To be honest it is kinda to tease my friend Trevor. He is one of THOSE that's completely against twilight. ;)

Later today they are playing a double header in softball. Twins and I will go watch, then we are going for hamburgers out at the farm. Should be a great day.

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