Thursday, July 19, 2012

Canada adventure begins.

Sooooo babies and I are going to Canada by train. Our train was scheduled to depart at 8:57. It is now 2:28 and we have yet to see a train. We have however ridden a bus to spokane. And now we get to wait here till 430. It's so loud that both babies are awake. And I may or may not have not slept last night in favor of texting boys instead. Poor planning on my part. So in the last 24 hours I have had 4 hours of sleep. The train station is gross. No sleeping here plus someone could kidnap my babies. Soooo we are up. Stickin it to the man. Go team Dana and LX2!

1 comment:

  1. I'm impressed that you did that with the babes by yourself! I have a hard enough time flying alone with one!!!
