Thursday, July 19, 2012


Wednesday was an interesting day. I was super emotional. I HATE being a girl sometimes. Usually about once a month, come to think of it.

We came out to the farm and rode horses early. That part was pretty great. I really did enjoy that. Some people rode quads. It seems than here you ride quads all the time. I've never seen people on quads so often. It's super fun.

Then we came inside and hung out with my good friend, the Internet. That was pretty great. We had tacos for lunch. They were pretty dang good. Then Jordan came home early. We tried to decide what to do and couldn't think of a thing. Eventually Jordan and I took the babies on a bike ride. That was pretty fun. Lexi screamed the whole time. Guess who slept well that night?;)

Then we went back to the farm and home. We had chicken Alfredo leftovers for dinner. It was a supppppper chill night. I played with babies and laid around most of the night. Jordan and Mandee went on a walk while I bathed the babies and put them down. I was gonna go on a walk and call mom but then ended up staying there and talking with Jordan and Mandee for a bit. Then Jordan and I checked the icecream he had made. Which of course turned into eating it. Yuuuuum. And playing games. And talking about life. Then mom called and we laughed and talked for forever. It really was a pretty great night. Ohhhhh and then I read twilight before going to bed. :-) and I smiled the whole time.

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