Choice 4: Luke 1:39–45; 2:8–38; Matthew 2:1–18. Others Who Learned of the Birth of Jesus Christ
- Fill in the chart below as you study the scriptures indicated:
How they learned about the Savior
What they knew about the Savior
What they did with their knowledge
Elisabeth (Luke
Mary came to visit her and when she heard Mary's voice
John leaped inside her womb
She knew that he was her Lord.
She had Mary Stay with her for several months. She also
raised a son that prepared the way for the savior.
Shepherds (Luke
An angel appeared to them as well as a heavenly choir.
They knew he was a savior and that he was their Lord. |
They HASTENED to go see him and be allowed to meet him.
Simeon (Luke
The Holy Ghost revealed to him that he would not die
before he had seen the Savior.
He knew that Jesus was his salvation and that the Lord had
prepared him before the face of all people. that he was a light unto the
He told everyone around him of the miracle of Jesus and
who the child was.
Anna (Luke
She was a prophetess who spent her time at the temple.
She knew similar things to what Simeon knew
She told the people who looked for redemption to look to
Wise Men
(Matthew 2:1-12)
They saw a new star and knew that it was meant for the
king of the Jews. They know because of the writings of the prophets.
They knew that he would be the ruler of the people of Israel and the savior |
They brought him gifts and they saved his life by
listening to a prompting to not return to Herod.
Herod (Matthew
He found out about Jesus from the Wise men, the chief
priests and the scribes
He worried that Jesus would take over as ruler of his
He tried to have Jesus killed and instead killed all the
other male children around that age.
Chief Priests
(Matthew 2:1-6)
They knew because of the scriptures
They knew that he was in Bethlehem and that he would be a
governor to rule the people of Israel.
They told Herod a general place to look for the savior.
Nephites (3
Nephi 1:12-22)
They knew because the prophets had told them.
They knew he was was the savior and when he was supposed
to be born
The bad guys fell to the ground because their plans had
been frustrated.
- Write
a response to the question: What do I know about the Savior, how have I
learned it, and what am I doing with what I know?
- I have learned many things about the Savior from my experience
growing up in the Gospel. I recently had a crisis of faith where
everything I had believed and been taught came into question. I honestly
wasn't even sure if I believed there was a God. I had to start at Ground
Zero to rebuild my testimony. So when I tell you what I know of the
savior it will be in reference to everything I know about him NOW, rather
than before. I know that he is real. I know that his atonement is real. I
know that he cares about me and that he has suffered every pain I have
suffered so that I wouldn't have to feel alone. I know that his atonement
covers sin as well. I know that Grace is so real that it is actually
tangible to me. I know that the entire reason we were sent a savior is
because God knew we would make mistake after mistake that would
disqualify us to return into his presence, so they sent us savior to make
it possible for us to repent of our sins. Everything I know about the
savior since that crisis of faith, I know because I have spent months and
months praying and searching my soul to know what truth was. I have had
to literally fight for every inch gained on my testimony, and I don't
claim to know things I am still uncertain about, but I know that the atonement
is real and accessible.....maybe even more accessible than we typically
make it seem. I believe that Christ is standing on the other side of the
door BEGGING us to let him in so he can heal us and cleanse us. I am
teaching my children what I know. They are growing up without a father in
their lives through no fault of their own and that is BOUND to leave
scars. I need them to understand how real the power of the atonement is.
The only way I was able to forgive their father for abandoning us, and
primarily them was the knowledge that the savior has the power to heal
their eventual broken hearts and it is MY job to teach them how to access
that miraculous power of the atonement.
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