Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Softball and Tuesday

Last night we went to softball. That rocked. I got to play for a bit as a sub because they were down a girl. I really wasnt any good but man alive i had fun.....until....Ummmmm I may or may not have been hit in the face.... Don't worry lip looks just as cute super fat as it does normal sized. Then after softball we went to the farm for hamburgers. Yummmmmilicious!

Today was sooooo chill. I LOVED it. We slept in till 930. Then I got up and showered. We had waffles. Mandee and I and the babies and sawyer went on a walk to the park. Wow. It was such an awesome park. Made me wish my babies were bigger and would enjoy it more. Then we went to the small grocery store In town. We needed bananas something fierce. :-) and butter, but I wasn't stressed about that. Then we came back to the house and Mandee played with sawyer and I played with my babies for a bit. Then we went out to the farm. Linc was asleep so I held and fed Lexi while goofing off on the AMAZING INTERNET!!!! I missed it so much. Then she fell asleep and linc woke up so I traded them. Then they both woke up so I brought their car seats over by me and sat them in them and fed them both. This whole time Mandee and sawyer were napping. It was super relaxing and chill I really enjoyed myself. Then mandees mom and her came out and we talked for a while.

Then we came back to the house and made fajitas with Jord. Yuuuuuumy. He is such a good cook. I loooove eating his food a little too much. Then I played with the babies again for a while and we went back out to the farm for a bonfire!!!!! You know what that means!!!! Family and s'mores. Does life get better!? I submit that it does not!!!!!

Ummmmm then I came back here and I started reading twilight again. Why? Because one a guy im rather fond of HATES the series and fights venomously against it. His passion for hating it made me remember it and want to read it again. I guess there are several reasons for this. 1)I am on vacation and one should read while on vacation. 2)I like the books. So sue me. 3)my iPhone didn't actually sink right so I have no music or the books on tape I was gonna listen to on the way home. So I remembered I had the twilight books on here and didn't even need Internet for them. 4)and most importantly... When I was married to Brian I spent soooooo much time not doing what I wanted because it was what he wanted. He had so many strong opinions and I was so easy going that I ended up giving up apart everything I care about because he disliked it all. I'm never giving up who I am again for anyone. So I guess me reading twilight is kinda my way of saying I will be me, take it or leave it.

And now I'm off to bed. What a great easy day!!! Horses tomorrow and maybe the lake?!!!!! Weather behave!!!!!

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