Thursday, July 19, 2012


This morning Mandee asked if I wanted to go to let's ridge with her and soy-baby. Ummmm. Yes. Yes I did. So we went and ran a few errands. And while we were at the superstore I found the best thing ever.

No really.

When I was 16 I went to Scotland with my drama group and while I was there I pretty much lived on this certain candy bar. I couldn't remember the name and hadn't ever seen it in the states. It was in an orange ish package and was chocolate and hazelnut. It had a name in a different language and was literally heaven in candy form.

I have been looking for that candy ever since and guess what. I found it by mistake today. I for sure bought All the store had. :-) I am so giddy.

Also mandees parents had a bunch of free personal pan pizza coupons so we got pizza while we were out.

Then we came back to the farm and hung out. Mandee made dinner while I played with babies. She made chicken BBQ pizza. A-freaking-MAZING!!!!!! Dexter and maren(sp) came over too. It was great. Then we all wet across the pond to hangout and gramma and grandpa cooks. Those are the best nights. Jus hanging out and talking. I love it.

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