Wednesday, July 18, 2012


Okey dokie.... So here I am in Canada. It had been so wonderful so far. I got here on Tuesday at around 6. Jordan had made pizza for us. It was so good. I was pretty starved. Mandee went to a wedding shower and Jordan and I went on a walk with the babies and sawyer. It was pretty fun. He showed me the house that he did the siding on. He did a great job. He also showed me the train station that Jen and Tim made into a beautiful house. The baseball/softball field and even the ice arena. Ya. That's how you know you're in Canada. The school has an ice arena. Crazy, eh?

THen we went home and put the babies to bed and Jordan tried to teach me how to play cribbage while we ate ice-cream. He thing about that game is that you have to be able to count. And I hadn't slept much in the 2 days before so I wasnt doing so hot. But the icecream was super.

Then came Wednesday. Jordan had to work. Mandee and I went to her parents house to watch my babies, her babies, and her nephews while the adults went to the temple. Her cousins came over to help. It was really fun. I got to know Kinzee a little better which I really enjoyed. Last time I met her she was really super quiet. She is so sweet and so good with kids. While we were there we went to swim lessons with and for Syler. He has a phobia of getting his hair and face wet. For the first time ever he dunked his hair and face in the water. It was pretty awesome. He was crying so hard but he cried even harder when we tried to make him leave. He was so determined to do it even though it was scary for him. What a cool kid.

Then we went home and got ready to go to the lake. :-):-);-);-);-);-):-):-):-) ummmm yes. This was very very very very good. I really love going boating. Dahlin and Biz took me and the babies and their kids and Chance and Kinzee and Kaytie out on the boat. Holy shishkabobs!!!!!! Dahlin is AMAZING!!!!!!!!!! He is so fast! It was awesome to watch. Chance was pretty good too and biz did pretty well also. Kaytie didn't get up, Kinzee didn't go and I tried for like 45 minutes to get up and still just couldn't. But no fears. I have a week and half to keep trying. I got a video of Jordan. He has gotten pretty good too. I was very impressed with him.

Next comes Thursday!!! Oh blessed Thursday. We woke up early and left for the cabin. We dropped off the food and made sure it was ready for my family. It looked great. We tried to fix their tent trailer. Not much luck there. Don't ask Jordan about it. It's kinda a sore subject. ;) then we grabbed lunch at Dave's drive in. That was delish!!!! Then we headed to kalispel in the states to meet up with my parents. We met at Costco. Then we went swimming. That was fun. Mom stayed in with the twins because they were ready to be done! Sawyer liked the water ALOT less than I thought he would. He spent most of the whole time walking the edge of the pool staying as far from it as possible. It was so nice to just sit out in the sun and enjoy the warm day. Then we went out to eat and I got fajitas!!!! What is it about that food that makes me love it always????? Soooo good. Then we went home and talked in mom and dads hotel room. We put the kids to bed and then went ourselves. After we went to bed mom and dad went to the airport to get Amelia. Jon's flight was stinky and delayed. Lame sauce.

Friday morning we got up and packed and got ready and had breakfast and then went shopping. I got some suuuuuper cute stuff. New heels!!!!! And a fabulous new flowy skirt and some shirts. While we shopped the parents and melli went to get jon from the airport.Then we went to lunch. Everyone else went to huhots which is Mongolian and Mandee and I went to bajio. Yummmmy.

My favorite part so far of the whole trip has been the drive back with Mandee from the train station. I have really enjoyed getting to know her better. She is so much fun and so interesting. We are so different, but I really am enjoying seeing why made Jordan think she is so special. I am pretty lucky. I have some great sister in laws. When I was with Brian I felt like I never could get to know them, but now I am getting that chance and I love it. I adore my family and spending time with them is so wonderful.

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