Thursday, May 31, 2012

Turn the flirt on

funny story. Sooooo here I am, at the hospital a-freakin-gain...(the word freaking makes me feel better) and in walks my anesthesiologist. And ohhh my gosh. This man is gorgeous. Like brad Pitts got nothing on naturally I start flirting up a storm.....until he very pointedly mentions his wife!!!!uggg ring check!!!!guess who is outta practice. Yes. Me. So I instantaneously turn off the flirt which is hard cause once I get it going it doesn't like to stop. So they do the procedure. And they gave me different anesthesia and normally I cry when I wake up. Not the case this time. Propofol was better to me than it was to Michael Jackson.....This time I turned into the most flirty and complementary person in the galaxy. every nurse that came by I found something to overabundantly complement them on....and then, he walked over. Oh my gosh. I basically threw myself at him. As much as someone waking up from anesthesia can. I'm pretty sure I told him how good looking he was in every way you possibly can and I very well may have asked him to marry me but I can't remember for sure. What I do remember though, and this is super embarrassing is I for sure asked him for a hug!!!! Oh my gosh. I could absolutely die. No. Really. Like crawl under a Rock. Oh gosh I hope I never have to see him ever again.

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