Monday, May 7, 2012

Thoughts on dating again....

Written on 5-5-12

i'm a little emotionally exhausted today. but i learned something. i'm not quite as ready to "get back on the horse" as they say as some people would like me to be. that isn't something i have to apologize for. it's not even something i realized until recently. the idea of talking to a guy in real life with the intention of flirting is enough to make me nauseous. there are those that would tell me to force myself. to grow a pair. to be brave. and to them, i say, Why?! why should i have to be ready today? i shouldn't. i want to be, but i'm not. i am too busy snuggling my babies to have time to think about getting out there. If Mr Right knocked down my door this second, i might make time for him, but i can't go looking for him right now. I'll miss my babies growing up if i do. at least that is how i feel tonight. tomorrow is another story.

new thought.....
i have a completely different outlook on life and and a different personality now than i did last time i was in the dating world. then, i was the life of the party. i was the one who was outgoing and vivacious and fun. i was so out there that everyone in the ward knew me. now....i'm just not that person. i still care about people. i still am fun loving, but I am much more content to watch the party from the sidelines. people watching...who knew. it can be fun. i am more cautious. i want to sit back and watch/observe before saying or doing anything. i don't want to make the first move anymore. that makes dating a whole new beast. In some ways i think it's good. if i'm not making a fool of myself, or initiating the first move, then if a guy does make that first move i know it's because HE wanted to, not because i made him, or made him feel guilty or something.


  1. You do not have to feel guilty AT ALL for not being ready. The best thing for those sweet babies is for their mama to get out there WHEN SHE IS READY, whether that is today, tomorrow or next year. You are such an example of what a strong woman is. I know I can't see how you feel on the inside, and I have no doubt there are hard moments, days and weeks. But regardless, you are an inspiration. Those babies are so lucky to have you. And when the time is right for you, you will find Mr. Right and he will love those babies and you more than you could ever imagine.

  2. I totally agree with your friend "Jess." You are such a inspiration and I think that Mr. R will be attracted to you for that and what a strong woman YOU are!!
