Monday, May 7, 2012

Blogging...obviously not my strength in life

hey all. so i haven't even attempted blogging lately because i'm lazy.....because i'm busy.....because i'd rather be spending time with my children.....because i'd rather watch numb3rs. lets be honest. probably all of the above. but lets see if i can catch you up. or at least fill you in on anything current.

We are attempting to get my babies on a schedule. we decided that for sanity's sake at least at night, we HAVE to be on a schedule.
starting around the 5-6 o'clock feeding we nurse, do an activity like tummy time, back time, for lexi even work on sitting. that child is ridiculously strong. we read a book. well. a couple pages before they scream, Shake odd toys in front of their faces annoyingly, in hopes of keeping them awake...oh and stimulating their brains.
-then is my favorite part! BATHTIME! my babies love bathtime! they are so cute in the bath! the relax and start looking around. and they looooove having their hair scrubbed. they will turn their heads all like, "yo, mama, you missed a spot. a little to the left please. oh and don't forget the back!!!" Then we use my mom's awesome sink to spray them a mini shower. they loooove that part. Then the dreaded cold. they HATE being taken out of the bath and scream and scream and scream while i get hem dried off, get their diaper on, lotion them up, and get their clothes back on.
-Next we swaddle them tighter than a bug in a rug. they are pretty adorable that way. my little burritos!
-then it's medicine time. Both of my babies have reflux, meaning they spit up like crazy. so we give them medicine morning and night. the medicine makes them fussy for about an hour.
-after medicine we try to bottle feed them if they'll take it, but at that point they are usually so exhausted that they just go to sleep. they usually sleep for 3-5 hours :):):):):):)
-once they are both completely out we take them into my room. we turn out the lights and close the blinds and use the white noise app on my phone to create a delightful ambiance for them. also the white noise helps to keep them asleep if i make too much noise.
-after that, anytime one of them wakes, i wake the other for feeding. we keep the lights low for this.
-6 am hits, and they are usually ready to be awake. so we turn on the lights, open the curtains, turn off the white noise and turn on what i like to call party music. which is basically a bunch of country, and show tunes.
-then i feed them and then change their diapers, and put them into the cutest outfits i can find, and lay them on my bed.
-at that time they look at the light coming from the open for an hour straight. it's awesome. i use that time to clean my room, shower, and get dressed.
-at 8 am i give them their medicine and snuggle with them until they fall asleep or at least calm down. during the day we don't have as much of a schedule other than keeping them in light areas, and not letting them fall asleep while eating or directly after. after each feeding we like to do activity time with them. then we start all over.
sometimes during the day we'll go out and do things like Take mommy to weight watchers, or go visiting teaching, or things like that. other times we'll go on walks. looooong walks. Apparently babies like to sleep on walks, so we do them lots.

1 comment:

  1. I loved being walked through a "typical" day of your life. YOU ARE DOUBLED BLESSED.
