Monday, May 7, 2012

Night from H-E double hockey sticks.

This was about 2 weeks after they were here:

Holy cow. Two kids at once = handful!!!!!

Linc, who is normally my chill sleepy baby screamed all night long. I tried everything I could think of. I think he was gassy and it was causing him pain. But Lexi slept like an angel. Which was good.... until I had to set him down, allow him to scream, wake her up to feed her at 3.5 hrs, just to have her join his screams.

No sleep for the mama. Thank heavens I can sleep in the morning.

....halfway through the night...

As I'm changing my little dude the ring they put on him during circumcision fell off. I'm sitting here thinking, "no wonder he is screaming. This is how he was that day too!!!!!" I think the poor little guy was hurting as that ring was adjusting enough to fall off. They had us do baby tylenol the first couple days so I just did some for him now. Hope that's ok!

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