Monday, May 7, 2012

Highlights of the night

Written on 4-18-12:

Lexi looking adorable after eating
The huge gross spider I killed to protect my children
Lincoln learning a new cry that sound like a hyena (sp) laughing.
Texting my friend Scott who works graves in Utah to see how he is doing
Thinking about my friend matson who had this elmo thing while putting an Elmo diaper on my child.
Lexi pooping a freshly changed diaper 3 times in a row and grinning the whole time
Me deciding to shower in the middle of the night while babies were being good. They screamed from the second I got in the shower to the second I got out, then were silent the second the water turned off. Silly babies.
Me not being able to find my towel or clothes after the shower and running around the house naked looking for the clean laundry. Hope no one was on the golf course at 5 am today. If so, they got a show.
Children crying every time I lay down and stopping when I sit up. They think they are SOOO funny.

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