Monday, May 7, 2012

First day of gramma back to work

Written on 4-13-12:

Luckily Jordan and Mandee were still here for mom's first day back at work. Last night I handled the babies on my own then this morning Jordan and Mandee let me nap for a whole sleep cycle. Heaven!!!!!

Once I got up and fed them and pumped we decided to go play tennis. So we loaded the babies and sawyer into strollers and went. Jordan had to help me with the hills because of my c section but we did way good!!!! On the way there it was all downhill:) then I sat on a blanket and enjoyed the sunshine(and wind) while Jordan and Mandee demonstrated kindly for me how to play tennis, or fetch might be a better description.

It was so nice to just sit outside with my babes and enjoy the world. But alas. Soon it got super windy and we decided it was best times to leave. Making the rest Of the journey uphill. Bless Jordan heart, he did the hard work!

My stroller is wonderful. It's actually way easy to push. Easier than a grocery cart actually. But it had a flat tire making it  a little harder than normal. But Jordan knows where moms tire pump is and is planning to fix it. Yay!!!!

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