Monday, May 18, 2015

New Testament post, Week 4

Choice 3: Matthew 14: 22-33 Walk on the Sea
1.      Review Matthew 14:22-33. Identify in writing what the reaction of the apostles was when they first saw the Savior walking on the water toward them.
a.       " And when the disciples saw him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear."
b.      They were scared because he was walking on water. They thought he must have been some kind of spirit or ghost.
2.      What did Peter's response indicate about him?
a.       "And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to Jesus."
b.      Peter must have had SO MUCH faith to know that if it really was the Savior who beckoned him that he could walk on water. From the beginning he didn't doubt. He simply knew he could. That is pretty impressive to me.
3.      According to Matthew 14:30, why did Peter begin to sink?
a.       " But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried, saying, Lord, save me."
b.      He began to sink because he was afraid. :(
4.      What did peter do when he began to sink? What word in the verses describes the expediency or the timing when Jesus responded to Peter's request?
a.       " he cried, saying, Lord, save me."
b.      " And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand"
c.       The second Peter started to sink, he called on the Lord and the Lord IMMEDIATELY reached out to save him.
5.      Read D&C 88:67. Write a paragraph describing what principle from this verse relates to what Peter did to successfully walk on the water. How can this same principle be applied to your life to assist you in walking over the storms of life?
a.       "And if your eye be single to my glory, your whole bodies shall be filled with light, and there shall be no darkness in you; and that body which is filled with light comprehendeth all things."

b.      When Peter was able to walk on the water successfully it was because there wasn't a shred of fear in him. He was focused on the Savior and because of that, there wasn't a chance of him failing. There was no darkness because his whole soul was filled with light. I think something that is important to remember as we look at the D&C verse is that when our bodies are filled with light, there is no room for darkness in us. Peter fell because he was afraid. Fear=darkness. Personally, this is something I NEED to apply more often. I am terrified of the idea of getting married again, or even dating someone because I am scared of being hurt and abused again. Yet that fear is what is preventing me from being filled with light. I can't have my eye single to the Lords glory when I am afraid. I have known this for a while, yet it is much more difficult to vanquish fear than it is to say we must do it. I would appreciate your thoughts. How do you get rid of fear? What is that process? I am not talking about small little nervous. I am talking about a deep rooted fear that has almost become the core of who I am. Like they say in The Croods, "Fear keeps us alive." That is very much how I have felt. Fear of being trapped and mistreated has kept me out of relationships which might trap and mistreat me. It has kept me alive, but Fear isn't as good at watching out for my welfare as the Savior how do I turn it over to him? How can I even find every shred of fear in me to let it all out?

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Class posts - Parables


My Definition: A parable is a story that contains a deeper truth than is easily apparent in the simple story. Parables are effective because the listener understands the story at their own level. Someone who isn't religious at all may only see the simple face value story, while a gospel scholar might see a deep valuable essential piece of gospel truth.
  1. What describes the future growth of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints? 
    • Matthew 13: 47-50 - Gospel Net
  2. Why does the Church send out so many missionaries? 
    • Matthew 13: 47-50 - Gospel Net
  3. How do you explain the remarkable growth of the Church, considering that it is fairly new compared to most world religions and started small in the American frontier? 
    • Matthew 13: 31-33 - Mustard Seed
  4. Why are some members of the Church willing to sacrifice so much worldly wealth and recognition in order to maintain membership in the Church? 
    • Matthew 13: 44-46 - Treasure and pearl of great price
  5. Why do some Church members choose to leave the Church?
    • Matthew 13: 24-30 - Tares
Considering the parables of the treasure and the pearl of great price (see Matthew 13:44–46), what sacrifices would you be willing to make to obtain the treasure of the gospel? What sacrifices have you or those you know already made for the gospel?
I am willing to sacrifice and do sacrifice my time and tithing, my talents, as well as the "natural man" desires I have. I know people who have sacrificed their relationship with their family for the gospel, and I feel lucky that I haven't had to make sacrifices like that. For me, my sacrifice was more in the effort it took to gain my testimony. I once knew without a doubt, and then had a crisis of faith and had to start back at ground zero to determine what I actually believed. Each little nugget I gain a testimony of again by studying and prayer is a blessing in my life. 
What does the net represent in the parable of the net cast into the sea? (See Matthew 13:47). What does it mean to be gathered into the net? What is represented by the action of gathering the good into vessels and casting the bad away? (See Matthew 13:48–50).

The net is the kingdom of heaven and the gathering of the good into the vessels and casting the bad away is talking about the last days and the final judgment. 

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Beatitudes - New Testament class notes

·         Footnote
o   The Latin BEATUS is the basis of the English "beatitude", meaning "to be fortunate", "to be happy" or "to be blessed". TG Blessings
·         Define Blessed or Blessedness
o   Blessed in this context means that one will enjoy pure joy.
·         Blessed are:
o     the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
§  “those who are spiritually needy, who feel so impoverished spiritually that they reach out with great yearning for help”
o    they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
§  “they that mourn” relates to those who mourn over their sins: 
§  I never realized that this one meant those who mourn over sin, but if that is the case, I can relate. I have felt the sorrow, guilt, grief and pain that comes from sin and the relief or comfort that comes from the healing and cleansing power of the atonement.
o    the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
§  “Godfearing, righteous, humble, teachable, and patient under suffering. The meek are willing to follow gospel teachings”
o    they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
§  The Greek word that was translated as “filled” also means “to feed or fatten an animal in a stall” and connotes the idea of eating until completely satisfied. 
o    the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
§  This is one of the many times the Savior taught that the way we treat others affects how God will treat us
§  I had a super special and sacred experience with this one. Learning how to forgive my ex for not being present in my children's life was an all consuming project for months, and finally I learned how and it has to do with Mercy. I can't expect to have mercy for my sins if I want and expect someone else to be held accountable for theirs. We are all sinners and all need mercy too much to demand that someone else gets justice. It is enough that someone already paid that price and that he can heal all wounds.
o    the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
§  If something is pure, it is not polluted or tainted by things which do not belong to it.
o    the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
§  I love this one. My parents emphasize this for us when we were growing up as irritable teenagers that were always at each other's throats. A peace maker is someone who tries to make everything right after or during contention, even if someone else is the source of that contention. I feel like I almost error on the side of too much for this one. It is good to be a peace maker, but that doesn't mean to be a doormat either.
o    they which are persecuted for righteousness’ sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

o    ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

Samaritan Woman at the Well

Blog post two
(Another post for my New Testament class)
Today I am studying about the Samaritan Woman at the well. The bible dictionary teaches us that Samaritans weren't liked by the Jews because they were part Israelite and part gentile and their religion was also mixed. " though they claimed, as worshippers of Jehovah, to have a share in the rebuilding of the temple at Jerusalem. This claim not being allowed, they became, as the books of Ezra and Nehemiah show, bitter opponents of the Jews, and started a rival temple of their own on Mount Gerizim." This feud caused problems and discontent between both parties. They usually avoided talking to each other if they could, yet Jesus asked the Samaritan woman for water, which was a huge shock for her.
Yet, I love this about the savior. He is fair. He loves all of us and every human soul will be treated equally. We will all be held accountable for our sins. We will all be welcome into God's kingdom if we come unto the Savior and allow his atonement to cleanse our souls.
Because of the issues between the Jews and the Samaritans, it would have been hard for the disciples to go and preach to the Samaritans later had they not already seen the Savior talking to this Samaritan women.
 The Savior speaks of Living Water. When he talks about living water, he is referring to the joy that the Gospel brings into our lives.
1. What words and phrases in John 4:9-30 indicate that the woman's' attitude toward Jesus Christ changed?
a. I think one of the things that changed her attitude was the discussion of the living water and how after drinking of it, she would never thirst again.
b. I think when Jesus called her out on her husband situation it also made a huge difference in her attitude change. She realized there was something special about him because he knew things about her that he simply shouldn't have known.
c. I think those two things shifted her opinion enough that she could accept that he was Jesus Christ, the Savior.
2. What did she finally come to understand about Jesus Christ?
a. She finally came to understand that Jesus Christ was the Savior.
3. What caused the woman's attitude toward Jesus Christ to change?
a. (See number 1)
4. What did she do after she understood who he really was? What was the result?
a. She went to the village and told them Men who was at the well and sent them to him. The result was that they came to know and believe that he was the Savior as well.
5. How has your testimony of Jesus Christ progressed over the years as you have come to know him better? What has caused your testimony to deepen? What responsibility do you have because of what you know about the Savior?
a. I have come to rely on the Savior in a way I never thought possible over the last 3 years since becoming divorced. I have learned that he is the rock that will never abandon me. I have learned that his atonement can help me avoid sin as well as cleanse my soul when I do sin. His atonement can heal my broken heart as well as the hearts of my children. Knowing this means that I have a responsibility to teach my children about his grace and mercy as well as the people around me.
6. What was the effect on the community of the woman's encounter with Jesus (John 4 :39-41)
a. They asked him to stay and he did for 2 days and he taught them and afterwards they knew also that he was the Savior. They were converted to his gospel.

Friday, April 24, 2015

New Testament Assignment

In my new testament class we had an assignment with various options to share what we had learned and one was to post it to our blog. This is what I learned from this assignment.

Choice 4: Luke 1:39–45; 2:8–38; Matthew 2:1–18. Others Who Learned of the Birth of Jesus Christ

  1. Fill in the chart below as you study the scriptures indicated:

How they learned about the Savior
What they knew about the Savior
What they did with their knowledge
Elisabeth (Luke 1:39-45)
Mary came to visit her and when she heard Mary's voice John leaped inside her womb
She knew that he was her Lord.
She had Mary Stay with her for several months. She also raised a son that prepared the way for the savior.
Shepherds (Luke 2:8-18)
An angel appeared to them as well as a heavenly choir.

They knew he was a savior and that he was their Lord.  
They HASTENED to go see him and be allowed to meet him.
Simeon (Luke 2:25-35)
The Holy Ghost revealed to him that he would not die before he had seen the Savior.
He knew that Jesus was his salvation and that the Lord had prepared him before the face of all people. that he was a light unto the gentiles.
He told everyone around him of the miracle of Jesus and who the child was.
Anna (Luke 2:36-38)
She was a prophetess who spent her time at the temple.
She knew similar things to what Simeon knew
She told the people who looked for redemption to look to Christ.
Wise Men (Matthew 2:1-12)
They saw a new star and knew that it was meant for the king of the Jews. They know because of the writings of the prophets.

 They knew that he would be the ruler of the people of Israel and the savior
They brought him gifts and they saved his life by listening to a prompting to not return to Herod.
Herod (Matthew 2:1-18)
He found out about Jesus from the Wise men, the chief priests and the scribes
He worried that Jesus would take over as ruler of his people/land
He tried to have Jesus killed and instead killed all the other male children around that age.
Chief Priests (Matthew 2:1-6)
They knew because of the scriptures
They knew that he was in Bethlehem and that he would be a governor to rule the people of Israel.
They told Herod a general place to look for the savior.
Nephites (3 Nephi 1:12-22)
They knew because the prophets had told them.
They knew he was was the savior and when he was supposed to be born
The bad guys fell to the ground because their plans had been frustrated.

  1. Write a response to the question: What do I know about the Savior, how have ​I learned it, and what am I doing with what I know?
    1. I have learned many things about the Savior from my experience growing up in the Gospel. I recently had a crisis of faith where everything I had believed and been taught came into question. I honestly wasn't even sure if I believed there was a God. I had to start at Ground Zero to rebuild my testimony. So when I tell you what I know of the savior it will be in reference to everything I know about him NOW, rather than before. I know that he is real. I know that his atonement is real. I know that he cares about me and that he has suffered every pain I have suffered so that I wouldn't have to feel alone. I know that his atonement covers sin as well. I know that Grace is so real that it is actually tangible to me. I know that the entire reason we were sent a savior is because God knew we would make mistake after mistake that would disqualify us to return into his presence, so they sent us savior to make it possible for us to repent of our sins. Everything I know about the savior since that crisis of faith, I know because I have spent months and months praying and searching my soul to know what truth was. I have had to literally fight for every inch gained on my testimony, and I don't claim to know things I am still uncertain about, but I know that the atonement is real and accessible.....maybe even more accessible than we typically make it seem. I believe that Christ is standing on the other side of the door BEGGING us to let him in so he can heal us and cleanse us. I am teaching my children what I know. They are growing up without a father in their lives through no fault of their own and that is BOUND to leave scars. I need them to understand how real the power of the atonement is. The only way I was able to forgive their father for abandoning us, and primarily them was the knowledge that the savior has the power to heal their eventual broken hearts and it is MY job to teach them how to access that miraculous power of the atonement. 

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

The Worth of a Soul is Great.

I really want to talk about a topic that I feel like nearly all women struggle with and often men as well. Self Esteem, Self Image, Confidence, Divine Nature, Eternal worth. I am going to share why first.

There is a woman I know who shall go unnamed. This woman is a mother of grown children. Her children are some of the kindest and most thoughtful people I know. This woman not only WOULD but HAS dropped everything to help me more times in the last 2 years than I can count on one hand. This woman has a job and is good at what she does. This woman has held many callings in the church and has helped woman feel their saviors love time and time over again. She is kind and caring and thoughtful. She is supportive and helpful. She taught me valuable lessons about organization that she doesn't even know she taught me. She taught me to value family pictures. This woman is Christ like to her core. I haven't ever heard her be unkind to or towards another soul. She is the very definition of good.

This woman also has the lowest self esteem of anyone I have ever met. When she is complimented she immediately brushes it off, somehow saying that it isn't so. She simply can't believe that she is worth what those around her tell her she is worth.  Seeing this breaks my heart. I wish so deeply that I could mind meld with her so she could see herself through my eyes.

This story could be about so many woman I know. It is about one particular woman, but I can think of 3 or 4 others who fits this general description off the top of my head. This cannot continue. It is so wrong at its core.

You see, We are Daughters of God. (I write this to the women, but it applies to the men as well) We are daughters of a king. We are as dear to him....dearer to him our children are to us. I look at my sweet innocent perfect babies and they haven't learned this horrible behavior yet. They haven't learned how to do anything but shine. One of my favorite quotes by Marianne Williamson is a great place to start. I feel like if we all have the base understanding that she shares in this quote we will all be able to move forward on this journey together. She says:

“Our deepest fear is not that we are inadequate. Our deepest fear is that we are powerful beyond measure. It is our light, not our darkness that most frightens us. We ask ourselves, 'Who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous, talented, fabulous?' Actually, who are you not to be? You are a child of God. Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people won't feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. We were born to make manifest the glory of God that is within us. It's not just in some of us; it's in everyone. And as we let our own light shine, we unconsciously give other people permission to do the same. As we are liberated from our own fear, our presence automatically liberates others.”
Let's look at why this rings so true. Think about Children. Think about specific children in your life. Try to think about children under the age of 3 if possible. I am going to think about Lexi and Lincoln. Can you imagine me, their mother, telling Lexi, "Lexi, You look so beautiful today!" and having her reply, "No! Mom! I am not. I am ugly. You see, my thighs are too big, and I don't have a perfect smile." As her mother I would be crushed. She is my sweet daughter. She is absolutely perfect in every way. She is beautiful not because she could be a baby model, (though she easily could) but she is beautiful because she is mine. She is beautiful because she delights in learning. She is beautiful because she loves her brother and misses him when he is gone. She is beautiful because she is curious. She is beautiful because she exists. Can you imagine me telling Lincoln, "Lincoln! You did it! You are so smart!" and having him reply, "No! Mom! I am not. I never do anything as quickly as Lexi. She always gets everything before I do. I really must be a dummy." NO!!!! Sweet boy! Those things are not true! Your value and your worth are not dependent on another person's value or worth or success. You are smart regardless of anyone else. You're brain and your body worked together to learn how to walk, to sort shapes, to say such sweet precious words, to nod when your people pick the right food for lunch. You are smart because you can connect actions and reactions. Your value has nothing to do with anyone else. You have value because you are mine. You have value because I see every missed step and every time you get back up and try again. I see all of your failures, and I see all of your successes. You are precious because you don't know how to stop trying. When I look at you, my sweet boy, I don't see how many times you failed to say mama. I see the time you got it. I live for it.
Can't we see? Can't we understand? God see's us that way. We screw up somehow. For some it's feeling like we don't give enough, for others we aren't spiritual enough, for some its morality, for others its drugs. It doesn't matter what it is. God isn't up there mocking us for our failures. He isn't up there laughing at us for our imperfections. He is up there cheering us on just like we cheer our babies on while they learn to walk. He is grinning ear to ear with joy as we take our steps closer to him, even when we fall between our progresses. He could have the same conversations with us. "Oh my child. Can't you understand? You are of worth because you are mine. You are beautiful because you are kind, thoughtful and caring. You are smart because you try again and again until you succeed." If we could see ourselves through his eyes we wouldn't feel the need to hang our head in shame when we are complimented and deflect it with a deep feeling of unworthiness.
Maybe this has helped someone understand their worth, but some of you, like me, might need something more solid than a vivid word picture. How can you gain confidence and gain self esteem when we feel like we are at the bottom of the barrel so to speak? And backing up a step, Dana, Why are you qualified to talk to us about this in the first place? Well, I am human and I have my imperfections, but somehow though my experiences I have come out the other side stronger. I believe in myself even though I fail again and again. I know that I am beautiful, even though I can still see those pounds I would love to lose. I know that I am worth love even though sometimes I feel unlovable. I don't know that confidence and self esteem are areas anyone will ever be perfect in, but I believe that improving our self image will also improve our quality of life and our happiness. How am I qualified? I might not be, but I have to try. I can't stand back any longer without making an effort to help others become beacons of light.
I cannot 100% explain what happened to me. By all accounts, I shouldn't have the confidence I do. I was left by my husband for another woman. You would think that would make me feel worthless and empty, but I feel more now than ever before the worth of MY soul and the worth of every detail that is included in that pretty little soul. I may not be able to explain 100% HOW it happened, but I can do my best to explain the parts I DO understand in the hopes that someone out there can take it and run with it. So I analyzed what changes, actions, events, belief systems, etc happened in my life that affected my view of myself and came up with a few thoughts. Take them or leave them.
1.      At one point someone pointed out to me that anytime someone complemented me I deflected. I said things like, "you must be blind." or "You're wearing rose colored glasses." or "You must be crazy. I am not that great." I essentially was outright calling anyone who complemented me a liar. I could not believe any of the complements in my head, and so out loud I reinforced that they must not be true. This is one behavior that changed. I set for myself a rule. When I was complemented I was not allowed to say anything but "Thank you. That was very kind of you." I started there. But I added later that even in my brain, I wasn't allowed to deny their words. I forced myself to believe them. When someone called me beautiful, I consciously thought to myself, they wouldn't have said that if they didn't see something beautiful in me. I may have physical imperfections, but I am beautiful because even just one person see's me as such.
2.      Another change I made that really helped me to see the beauty and Christ-like attributes in myself was consciously notice and complement those attributes in others. I had learned something about myself earlier. When I am more judgmental about those around me, I tend to be more judgmental of myself. So when I consciously tried to give others the benefit of the doubt and only find the good in them, it actually made it easier to find the good and wholesome parts of myself as well. A second purpose that this accomplished was helping me see what others feel when they complement me and I essentially respond by telling them they must be lying. When I am actively looking for the good in someone and then I take the time to express to them how wonderful I think they are from my observations and they simply refuse to believe me, it almost felt like an insult. It felt like I was being called a liar. It felt like my views and opinions were viewed as worthless or not valid. Suddenly I was able to see that others might feel that way when they complemented me as well. Maybe they REALLY did think I looked beautiful. Maybe they really didn't notice my huge zit on my face and my belly budge sticking out. Maybe they really noticed the soul of a child of God peaking through my imperfect body and maybe they really found it to be beautiful.
3.      Another action that helped my confidence to grow in a completely different way was something my mom taught me in high school that I learned by experience later in life. I struggled seriously bad with depression and worthlessness. In high school I literally had rock bottom self esteem. I couldn't understand why or how anyone could love me. I felt like a waste of space. My mom and I were driving one day talking about it and she said something that changed my life. I wish I could directly quote her, but I can only convey the idea, which was if you want to feel impressed with yourself, you have to do something that will impress yourself. Somehow that thought struck a chord with me. I made a few goals that were challenging to me, but not unreachable. I worked hard and achieved my goals and suddenly I felt a little better about myself. I must have worth because I could do something of value. I learned this lesson again and again. I did cross country in HS and I literally came in last in EVERY minutes behind the last person kind of last. I was told to quit by my coach. By my friends. Even by my mom. But I couldn't. I had to prove to myself that I could do hard things, and that was the best thing I could have done. When you do something awesome enough to impress yourself, it's a lot easier to feel like an impressive person, worth being loved. Every time my self esteem rose throughout the next few years it was because I worked hard and was able to achieve a goal. I grew up being told I was a ditzy dumb blonde and let's be honest, I earned the title more and more the more I was called it. Well I still have my moments, but through hard work in several different jobs I was able to rise up and receive promotions. I saw other people who I admired and respected get these promotions before me. I could see their worth. Can you imagine how great it felt to work hard and see myself suddenly in their shoes for my efforts?
4.      The fourth thing that made the biggest difference in my life was turning to Christ. I made a commitment as a young girl that nothing that happened to me would ever shake my testimony. Growing up I understand it better. My commitment wasn't that hard things wouldn't make me re-discover my faith in a newer and deeper way. My commitment was that no trial that happened could make me change course. My course would always be to fight for faith not fear. To allow Christ to heal instead of turning to things of the world. My commitment was to never turn my back on him. I cannot explain how this improved my self confidence tangibly, but my commitment to him is a huge part of why I feel so comfortable in my skin. The realizations that I had at the beginning of this post about how my worth to God is more than my children's worth to me, only came because I was doing the things I needed to be doing. I was praying. I was going to church. I was reading my scriptures. I was going to Institute. Doing these things allowed me to be in the places I needed to be to feel the things I needed to feel so that I could heal. So that I could not allow the actions of someone else to canker my soul. So that I could feel the complete freedom that comes with complete forgiveness. Christ not only healed me, but he gave and continues to give me glimpses of myself through his eyes, and man! It is a wonderful sight.
You see, I am a daughter of God. I have infinite possibilities. I can be whatever I chose to be. I have worked hard to become a woman of faith. I have worked hard to develop attributes like kindness, thoughtfulness, caring, gratitude, gentleness, sweetness, and persistence. I can see my flaws and not be imprisoned by them but be liberated by the knowledge that I can grow past them. I am beautiful and not because I fit the definition of worldly beauty, but because I am created in the Lords image. I am beautiful because I am his creation. I am beautiful because I am his and he doesn't create anything but beauty. I am smart. My intelligence doesn't have to be compared to my brothers, my friends, or my co-workers. I am intelligent because I am diligent and will keep trying until I understand. I am compassionate and empathetic because I have walked the less walked path. I am not judgmental because I have made too many of the same mistakes myself.

I really hope that I am not misunderstood. The goal of this post is not to brag about how infinitely awesome I am. the goal of this post is to use my experience to help even just one person see how infinitely awesome THEY are. I hesitate to even post this entry because I don't want my motives to be misunderstood. But I am counting on the hope that someone out there will see the light I am shining through my words, and that something I have written will help them let their light shine so they can "unconsciously give other people permission to do the same."

Sunday, October 27, 2013

The Son that was Lost

So there I am at church, It has been a LONG sacrament meeting. The twins have been running at top speed the whole time. This week was the primary program and it was wonderful, but went pretty far over time. So the meeting ends and the lady sitting at the end of the row asks if she can let Lexi out into the isle when it looks like I am about ready to take her and Lincoln down to Nursery. I say sure and as I am about to walk out after her, the lady in front of me starts talking to me. I am trying to be polite and answer her question while at the same time making sure to keep Lexi in sight. The result is me looking like I am watching a tennis match on fast forward. Finally Lexi exits the Chapel, into the hall and I realize my conversation needs to be terminated yesterday. I ask my mom to finish answering her question for me and I race out after Lexi, weaving in and out of people, elbowing old ladies in the way. I get out into the hall and I realize that I see Lexi, but I can't find Lincoln. I turn around and look back in the pew to see if maybe he is still in our row with Grandma, but he isn't there. I don't see his little blonde head bobbing up and down between me and grandma either.....I race back to the hall and search diligently for him there too, while still trying to keep Lexi in my sights. I make it as far as the hall that breaks off the main foyer and he isn't down that hall either, he isn't on the stairs, he isn't by the drinking fountain, as far as I can tell, the boy simply vanished. I turn around and in a moment of pure tender mercy, I see Ben Murry sitting near the door to the chapel and I realize that he has been there for a while....I hurry to within shouting distance and call out, "Ben! Did you see Lincoln come out?" and he looks down at lexi a few people away and asks, "Did you mean Lexi?" I am feeling exasperated by this time, "No, I mean Lincoln. I know where Lexi is, but I can't find Lincoln.....did you see him?"

Well, Apparently I was holding him. The whole time. Yup. I am clearly that awesome. Poor guy. I just was so focused on not losing Lexi that I wasn't thinking straight, and then I thought the weight of him was the bag I was carrying I guess. I am sure that the fact that I have averaged 4-5 hours of sleep per night this week has NOTHING to do with it. Is it bedtime yet?